Browser ui interactions This module provides all functions to interact with the browsers ui. This module is only available inside workflows/frontend scripts.
UrlQuery‐UrlQuery struct for the browser query.
download_file‐Download a text within a file to the users computer.
history_back‐Navigates the user one page back.
history_forward‐Navigates the user one page forward.
is_edit‐Returns if the Ui is in the edit status.
navigate‐Navigates the user to the defined link.
navigate_with_query‐Navigates the user to the defined link with a url query.
notification‐Show a small notification on the bottom right of the screen to the user.
open_record‐Navigates the user to the given record uuid.
print‐Opens a new browser tab in print view and triggers the print dialog.
reload‐Reloads the actual browser tab.
set_edit‐Set the edit status of the Ui.