Struct ::exo::dom::HighlightData


HighlightData dom node.

This node is used inside a dom to display a custom chart data. Supported fields of this node are:

  • id: The id of this node
  • name: The name to display under the value
  • status: The stati where the node should be shown
  • rights: One of the rights needed to show the node
  • edit: Defines the edit state of the node
  • sql: The sql query to get the data
  • value: The default/fallback value
  • precision: How many decimal places should be shown
  • workflow: Workflow to be executed when clicking the element
  • data-workflow: Workflow which returns a number to show
  • link: A link which should be opened when clicking the elment
  • target: The target for the link
  • abbreviate: Shorten the number with k, m, b, t

Within the layouter this HighlightData can be used like this:

<highlight-data id="data-432" name="Win-Rate [%]" sql="SELECT count(uuid) FROM user;" >


fn new() -> HighlightData

Creates a new HighlightData.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.value = 1.23;


protocol get sql
let output = value.sql

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set sql
value.sql = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get value
let output = value.value

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set value
value.value = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get precision
let output = value.precision

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set precision
value.precision = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get workflow
let output = value.workflow

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set workflow
value.workflow = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get data_workflow
let output = value.data_workflow

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set data_workflow
value.data_workflow = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get link
let output =

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set link = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get target
let output =

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set target = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol get abbreviate
let output = value.abbreviate

Allows a get operation to work.

protocol set abbreviate
value.abbreviate = input

Allows a set operation to work.

protocol partial_eq
if value == b { }

Allows for partial equality operations to work.

protocol string_debug
println("{:?}", value)

Allows the value to be debug printed.

protocol string_display
println("{}", value)

Allows the value to be display printed.

protocol get id
let output =

Get the id of the node as String. A node Id should be unique inside the complete dom.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "id_123456";
assert_eq!(, "id_123456");
protocol set id = input

Set the id of the node as String. A node Id should be unique inside the complete dom.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "id_123456";
assert_eq!(, "id_123456");
protocol get name
let output =

Get the name of the node as String. The name is used to display a title or main text.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "Click Here";
assert_eq!(, "Click Here");
protocol set name = input

Get the name of the node as String. The name is used to display a title or main text.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "Click Here";
assert_eq!(, "Click Here");
protocol get status
let output = value.status

Get the different status of the node as Vec<String>. This node and all it's child will only be displayed, when no status is set or the record has any of the given stati.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.status = ["new", "released"];
assert!(node.status.iter().any(|s| s == "new"));
protocol set status
value.status = input

Set the status of the node as Vec<String>. This node and all it's child will only be displayed, when no status is set or the record has any of the given stati.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.status = ["new", "released"];
assert!(node.status.iter().any(|s| s == "new"));
protocol get edit
let output = value.edit

Get the edit status of the node as Option<bool>. The edit mode can be set as true or false. When the edit mode is not set, it takes the system edit state.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.edit = Some(false);
assert_eq!(node.edit, Some(false));
protocol set edit
value.edit = input

Set the edit status of the node as Option<bool>. The edit mode can be set as true or false. When the edit mode is not set, it takes the system edit state.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.edit = Some(false);
assert_eq!(node.edit, Some(false));
protocol get style
let output =

Get the style of the node as String.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "color: red;";
assert_eq!(, "color: red;");
protocol set style = input

Set the style of the node as String.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new(); = "color: red;";
assert_eq!(, "color: red;");
protocol get rights
let output = value.rights

Get the different rights of the node as Vec<String>. This node and all it's child will only be displayed, when no rights are set or the user has one of the rights.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.rights = ["user_right", "can_release"];
assert!(node.rights.iter().any(|s| s == "can_release"));
protocol set rights
value.rights = input

Get the different rights of the node as Vec<String>. This node and all it's child will only be displayed, when no rights are set or the user has one of the rights.


let node = exo::dom::HighlightData::new();
node.rights = ["user_right", "can_release"];
assert!(node.rights.iter().any(|s| s == "can_release"));