Struct ::exo::vs::TableSettings


Settings for a table variable


fn new() -> TableSettings

Creates a new empty TableSetting.


let table = exo::Table::new();
assert!(table is exo::Table);

Clones a TableSettings

Adds a new column setting to the table

fn change_pos(self, pos1: i64, pos2: i64) -> Tuple

Changes the position of two table columns.

fn change_ident(self, pos: i64, ident: Ident) -> Tuple

Change the ident of a column.

fn change_name(self, pos: i64, name: Language) -> Tuple

Change the name of a column.

fn remove(self, pos: i64) -> Tuple

Remove a specific column.

fn set_value(self, pos: i64, value) -> Tuple

Set the default value for a column.

fn set_setting(self, pos: i64, setting: VariableSettings) -> Tuple

Set the variable setting for a specific table column.

fn reorder(self) -> Tuple

Reorder the table column ids internally.

fn len(self) -> i64

The number of columns.