Addon Store
Explanation of the addon store.
Overview & Access
The Exolynk Addon Store allows the easy installation of OOTB layouts, workflows, services, models and pages. The installation can be performed directly within your Exolynk environment. The following rights are needed to see and use the store: 'modeler_edit', 'settings_edit' and 'pages_edit'.
Inside the store you have to possibility to filter for specific addons (the filter is working against the addon path). When selecting a addon you see the details of the addon package. Each addon page allows multiple configurations on how to apply the addon to your environment. You also have to possibility to inspect the code which will be added to your environment.
A addon can provide a new layout and code for global services and workflows. When the a layout for the environment is provided, you can choose between the following installation logics:
- Append -> This is the default option and adds the layout html to the existing user layout definition for the environment
- Ignore -> This is doing nothing with your existing layout
- Replace -> This replaces the existing layout with the new one
When one ore multiple workflows or services are provided by the layout, you have the possibility for each to decide between:
- Include -> This is the default option and adds the new code to the environment. When a code with the same ident already exist, only the source code itself will be replaced
- Ignore -> This is doing nothing
- New Ident -> This creates the code with the provided ident. When a code with such an ident already exist, it will only replace the source code itself
For each individual model of the addon you can decide between:
- Include -> This is the default option and adds the new model to the environment. When a model with the same ident already exist, this has no effect.
- Ignore -> This is doing nothing
- New Ident -> This creates the model with the provided ident. When a model with such an ident already exist, it will do nothing
When a model provides variables, the and you have a model with an variable with the same ident, the installation will not change the variable. When the variable does not exist for that model yet, you have following options:
- Include -> This is the default option and adds the new variable to the model.
- Ignore -> This is not creating a new variable
When a new model will be created while the installation process you also need to defined the record access right of the model. When this is not set, new records will not be seen, because they don't have an access right.
The code for the model is behaving in the same way as for the environment. You have the possibility to decide between 'Include', 'Ignore' and 'New Ident' for each of them.
Pages behave in the same way as the models, without the access right and variable settings.