
Summary of how to model the system.

Models Overview

In the Modeler view you find in the left section (fig.14) the overview of all existing models (including default models like access right or custome models).

Please be aware that models for which the logged-in user doesn't have read access may be not visible in this view.

With the button + New you can add a new model (this will appear with a logo but no title) click on this new element to configure the details.

In the detail in the section General Settings can be edited with activating the Edit mode (fig. 2 -> toggle between 'edit' and 'finish').

Please be aware that models cannot be deleted yet.

General Settings


Universally unique identifier (128-bit label) used for identifying the object


Human readable ID (unique in context). Can contain only small letters, subline, full numbers, first possition need to be a letter (will automatically change to small if big letters are entered).


The version of the model. Will be encreased with any new release. the version is not editable.

Model Status

draft = in draft state, not released yet
active = in use and latest released
released = frozen, records points to model version initially released

System Model

Predefined by system (basic functions needed). Defines if this is a default Model (System Model) or not. Cannot be changed by user.


Object Name, full text no limitations.


Object Description, full text no limitations


The Object/Model Icon. For the icon shortcodes, please refere to the UI5 Icon library

Record Status

The record status defines the state of the object record. The options and its translations can be defined free by clicking on the Globe-Icon Figure 12.a

Model right

With the parameter Model right, the access right of the model can be selected from a predefined set of user or file rights.